Montag, 13.06.2016 19.00 Uhr
VHS, Raum 107
Deutscher Text weiter unten
We are very happy to announce a talk in English in cooperation with "Rote Hilfe":
With their first contact with European authorities, a wide and deep trail of data is created for all refugees (and, incidentally, regular visa applicants, too): Their fingerprints are in Eurodac and VIS, their status is in AZR, their history is in MARIS, and so forth. In this talk, I will give an overview of the various major systems, their contents, their users, and also what one might do about the data stored there. For although data protection laws keep being weakened, and non-citizens are always the object of the authorities'particular suspicions: "Informationelle Selbstbestimmung", as the German supreme court called it in 1983, your right to control who knows what about you, is a human right, and it applies to everybody. Well: To the extent defined by law.
"Willkommen in der Datei - Datenbanken gegen Geflüchtete"
Die Veranstaltung wird auf Englisch gehalten, kann aber bei Bedarf in Kleingruppen ins Deutsche übersetzt werden (Flüsterübersetzungen).
Es wird auch Übersetzungen in Arabisch, Kurdisch und Farsi geben.
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