Montag, 06.05.

  • 15.00 Uhr online

    Webinar ‘Behind the Platforms: Safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights and Academic Freedom in Higher Education’

    Dear colleagues,

    I would like to invite you to join the virtual launch of the study Behind the platforms: Safeguarding intellectual property rights and academic freedom in Higher Education on 6 May, on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day. This also coincides with the release of the thematic report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education, focusing on academic freedom and freedom of expression in educational institutions.

    This study focuses on potential threats to intellectual property ownership and academic freedom for Higher Education teachers and researchers caused by the use of edtech platforms and acceptance of their terms and conditions. The findings highlight risks related to academic content ownership and the collection and processing of users’ data—often occurring without the awareness or authorisation of teachers, researchers, and students. Concerns regarding the ownership and control of intellectual property and data affect academic freedom in teaching by influencing decisions on what is taught, how it is taught, and how students are evaluated. Moreover, academics often lack autonomy in selecting digital services provided by their institutions and face restricted opportunities to decline using such services for their work.

    The webinar will give participants the opportunity to engage with the report's findings and deepen their understanding of how edtech platforms affect the rights of teachers and researchers worldwide. Moreover, the webinar will facilitate a discussion on the recommendations of the study on how to address the potential risks of edtech platforms to key aspects of academic labour such as academic freedom and intellectual property in Higher Education, at both institutional and national levels.

    The webinar will begin at 15.00 CEST, and finish by 16.00 CEST. To register for the webinar, please click here:

    Upon registering, you will receive the link for accessing the webinar. The webinar will have interpretation in English, Spanish and French.

    I look forward to your participation!

    In solidarity,

    David Edwards General Secretary Education International

  • 19.00 Uhr Neue Uni, Hörsaal 14

    Insorgiamo! Über das Fabrikkollektiv GKN: Ein ökologischer Gegenentwurf zu kapitalistischen Produktionsweisen

    Johanna Fankel und Lena Glöckner

    Während die Klimakrise sich weiter verschärft und schnelle Maßnahmen dringend geboten sind, spaltet der vermeintliche Widerspruch zwischen Arbeitsplatzerhalt und ökologischem Umbau hierzulande oftmals die Klimagerechtigkeits- und Arbeiter*innenbewegung.

    Die ökologische Frage & die Klassenfrage lassen sich jedoch nicht auf Kosten der anderen lösen, sondern müssen in gemeinsamer Verbindung bearbeitet werden: Klimaschutz heißt Klassenkampf! Doch wieso eigentlich? In diesem Vortrag wollen wir uns anschauen, wieso Klassen- und Klimakämpfe im Kapitalismus zusammengehören, was eine ökosozialistische Strategie auszeichnet und wieso ein Blick nach Florenz zum ex-GKN-Kollektiv Hoffnung stiftet.